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Yan-koloba Effectiveness

Yan-koloba Research

Yan-koloba’s effectiveness are based on results of well-documented lengthy research with more than 18,000 participants. Between the years 2003 and 2006, we facilitated hundreds of training sessions in various settings (corporations, educational institutions, local and federal government workplaces, healthcare industries, clubs and sports teams, religious institutions, etc.). Responses were drawn from more than 12,000 adults and 6,000 youth participants. The topics and goals of the training ranged from cultural diversity education and training, team building and character education, to leadership development and mentorship training. The length of training varied according to the goals and the schedules of each group.

The purpose of the research was to measure the skills that Yan-koloba developed in players.

After compiling the results of Yan-koloba surveys, the following twelve skills were consistently indicated as those Yan-koloba most effectively develops. For example, all the respondents (100%) agreed or strongly agreed that Yan-koloba promotes teamwork and the same number agreed or strongly agreed that Yan-koloba is a fun and entertaining learning activity.

Skills Yan-koloba Develops

The quantitative data was collected based on a 5-point Liekert scale ranging from 1) Strongly Disagree to 5) Strongly Agree. This table shows respondents rating the skills YAN-KOLOBA develops. For example 100% of players strongly agreed with statements 1 (YAN-KOLOBA promotes TEAMWORK) and 2 (YAN-KOLOBA is A FUN and ENTERTAINING activity) while 94% strongly agreed, “YAN-KOLOBA develops Multiple Intelligences.”

SKILLS that Yan-koloba Develops Respondents Who Rated the Statement a 4 and Above
1. Yan-koloba promotes TEAMWORK 100%
2. Yan-koloba is a FUN and ENTERTAINING activity 100%
3. Yan-koloba develops a high degree of CONCENTRATION/FOCUS/ATTENTION 97%
4. Yan-koloba develops RHYTHM and PHYSICAL COORDINATION 96%
5. Yan-koloba teaches CHARACTER and MORAL VALUES 96%
6. Yan-koloba promotes CULTURAL DIVERSITY 95%
7. Yan-koloba develops LEADERSHIP skills 95%
8. Yan-koloba develops MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES 94%
9. Yan-koloba develops RESPONSIBILITY 94%
10. Yan-koloba develops CREATIVITY and PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS 93%
11. Yan-koloba builds RELATIONSHIPS 92%
12. Yan-koloba boosts players' SELF-ESTEEM 90%

Yan-koloba Extensive Study

The circular graph below represents ratings of feedback provided by the thousands of coaches, corporate trainers, activity directors, counselors, teachers, youth and adult group leaders who have used YAN-KOLOBA extensively.

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