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Yan-koloba Train-the-Trainer Seminars

Become a Better, Competent an Effective Workshop Facilitator

We currently conduct two types of Yan-koloba Train-the-Trainer seminars; Training of Trainers (TOT) and Training of Consultants (TOC).

All train-the-trainer sessions are half-day seminars and the registration fee is only $140.00. (Limited Seats)

View our Train-the-trainer schedule or register today!

Workshop Objectives

During this intensive three-hour TOT workshop participants of all professions will:

  1. Take away the principles and the metaphor of a simple tool to use at their own training settings as icebreaker and tension-reliever to make their workshop fun, dynamic and entertaining.

  2. Reflect on the functional role and importance of games in training for adults and for children in an environment where players challenge themselves intellectually, emotionally and physically.

  3. Learn how to use the Yan-koloba Game to foster cooperative learning and facilitate participants’ interaction and participation in any work environment.

  4. Learn how to use a simple but powerful game to encourage diversity understanding among players of all cultural and social background, physical and intellectual capability, gender, race, age and linguistic differences, in a fun and non-threaten environment.

  5. Find out why an experienced trainer declared that,“90% of my new training contracts come from people who have experienced Yan-koloba and apply the learning to your profession.

  6. Have a lot of fun while learning.

View schedule and register online or to register by phone or for more information call 888.646.5656.

Learn more about our train-the-trainer seminars:
Training of Trainers (TOT Workshop)
Training of Consultants (TOC Workshop)

Register online or to register by phone or for more information call 888.646.5656.

Is Yan-koloba credible?


Both the National Endowment for the Humanities(NEH) and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation valued YAN-KOLOBA so much that they funded the initial research that led to its development.

Research was conducted in Africa and in 174 U.S. organizations (133 educational institutions, 41 corporations) with 11,700 adults and 4,500 students.

The Kansas City Star wrote that in bridging cultures,Dr. Emmanuel Ngomsi has created win-win situations with an African game: YAN-KOLOBA; it is about teamwork and trust.

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